Sunday, September 11, 2011

Environmental Print!

While Reading the Bell and Jarvis article, their use of environmental print really stood out to me. While children may not think they can read, they can read the print that is around them everywhere; environmental print. After reading Donna Bell's explination of how she created an alphabet banner that included environmental print and the children's names, I wanted to see how other teachers have incorporated environmental print into their classrooms of young readers. Here are some of the different ways that teachers have used it in the classroom.

Most of these are buletin board displays of environmental print, but there is also a book, and a pocket chart for building sentances. What types of ways will you incoprorate environmental print into your classrooms? 


  1. I think the idea of environmental print is a great way to introduce reading to students. By introducing reading in this way, the students are encouraged and confident that they do know words and are familiar with reading. I think creating a book filled with different images from the environment that the children can recognize and that represent every letter of the alphabet, would be a great way to jump into the reading process and allow the students to feel like they are on the right track to become literacy experts!

  2. Environmental print was also a topic that stood out to me. I didn't even think about using company logos to show children that they already know how to read until reading this article. You found some great examples of teachers incorporating environmental print with the letters!

  3. What a fabulous environmental print book. I love that. I would have never thought to make an environmental print book.

  4. I wrote about this topic too but never thought about the print book. I think it is such an amazing idea and a great way to keep children interested. Posting the different prints in their classrooms is also a great idea.

  5. I loved your idea of making an environmental print book! I feel that environmental print also offers a great opportunity for parent and family involvement. Children can bring in pictures of different places they like to go, bring in examples of environmental print such as cereal boxes or coupons. I have also heard of teachers taking pictures of environmental print or actual cereal boxes and cutting them up into puzzles for the children to do as a fun and easy activity.

  6. I like the sentence building example you posted where the children can change out the different words in the blanks! That is a very good idea and I have never seen that before! I definitely want my classroom to be surrounded by different types of these environmental print boards, so I will definitely keep these examples in mind!
